The following priorities are available for projects. The default priority is Medium.
- Low *: A background project which either does not have definite deadlines or which can be used as filler when time is available.
- Medium: Default priority which should be used for most projects.
- High: The highest priority available for general projects. For use when the project has a strict and highly visible or impactful deadline. Examples include high-priority campus initiatives, and system EOLs.
- Top: Used for projects where the project/UWSP has little to no control over the schedule and must meet external schedule demands. Typically, these are part of a larger capitol project (e.g. implementing AV as part of a DOA construction project), UW-System lead projects, or are being done to meet legal, regulatory, or compliance requirements.
Emergency priority is for tickets only and should not be used for project work.
Note: Project priorities in TDx are shared with tickets. Any changes to priority descriptions must be coordinated between all groups using TDx priorities.
*Before projects can be set to a low priority, it will be questioned if they should be done at all. Low priority projects are often not completed and therefore waste resources. Campus should aim to complete all projects on which work has started.