How can I email an automatically maintained distribution list?

Information Technology automatically generates and maintains many distribution lists based on student information in Campus Solutions and staff information in the Department Information Management System (DIMS).  The type of distribution list will determine whether you must first request permission to email the list.


To learn how to request permission to email UWSP's distribution lists, see the following.

Distribution List How to Request Email Permissions
Department Distribution Lists No email restrictions apply when sent from a UWSP email address.
​Course Distribution Lists Email the UWSP Registrar's office.
Major/Minor Distribution Lists Email the UWSP Registrar's office.
Advisee Distribution Lists Email the UWSP Registrar's office.
Class Standing Distribution Lists Email the UWSP Registrar's office.
Recognized Student Organizations (RSO) Email Campus Activities and Student Engagement (CASE).

Contact the IT Service Desk for additional help!